Section 15.673 – updated
Purchase, possession, and distribution of opioid antagonist. Please see compilers notes or history at the bottom of the section for details.
Purchase, possession, and distribution of opioid antagonist. Please see compilers notes or history at the bottom of the section for details.
Board of state canvassers; qualifications; oath. Please see compilers notes or history at the bottom of the section for details.
Final submission of petition; posting of petition; notification of board of state canvassers; supplemental filings. Please see compilers notes or history at the bottom of the section for details.
Questions submitted to electors; form. Please see compilers notes or history at the bottom of the section for details.
Data center equipment; exemption from tax; conditions; report; definitions. Please see compilers notes or history at the bottom of the section for details.
Conditions to release from membership in public authority; taxes; transportation services; evidence of release; withdrawal from public authority; violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 applicable to petitions; penalties; notice. Please …
Powers. Please see compilers notes or history at the bottom of the section for details.
21st century jobs trust fund; establishment; investment; money remaining at close of fiscal year; deposit of interest and earnings; Michigan tobacco settlement revenue; deposit. Please see compilers notes or history …
Tax levy; collection. Please see compilers notes or history at the bottom of the section for details.